Monday 12 November 2012

2012 Costume

Hello there! It's been about a month since I've posted anything. What can I say...not much has been going on house-wise, I was in a bit of an adjustment period at work that left me exhausted every night and I've felt a lack of inspiration and drive lately.

But, onwards and upwards!
Obviously, this is extremely late, but I just wanted to throw a quick post on here so that I can take a look back next year when I'm scrambling for a costume idea.
I've had this idea doggy eared in a magazine for a couple of years now and finally had a reason to make it:
Pinned Image
Our staff was having a costume contest but I didn't have much time to devote to it, so I got out my glue gun, a bunch of spiders I had in my Halloween bin and bought some nude nylons...
I was trying to get both the spiders on my leg and on my shoulder into this picture, hence the uber-pose.
I had more spiders crawling up my arm, but many fell off on my way home from work as I put my coat on.
So fun, easy, quick and cheap!
The original cockroach version is creepy, but just too close to home for me after a year of being terrorized by them while living abroad for a year, so I opted for spiders instead.
I have a couple other posts that I've been working on that are also long overdue, so I will be back in a couple of days!

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